Smhuber's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,74012,600zero_downtime_migrationsZero downtime migrations with ActiveRecord and PostgreSQL
25,7906,422abstract_classAn implementation of the "abstract class" design pattern in Ruby
310,33718,351active_record-updated_atTouch `updated_at` by default with calls to `update_column(s)` and `update_all`
413,63542,025eigenclassEigenclasses (aka metaclasses or singleton classes) in ruby
518,61417,852ownersTake ownership of your code
635,42153,556wootScapes sites
741,95553,556sub_diffInspect the changes of your `String#sub` and `String#gsub` replacements
857,07686,038shuber-interfaceImplementable interfaces in ruby
959,67386,038event_calendarGenerates HTML event calendars
1068,08286,038proxyA gem/plugin that allows rails applications to respond to multiple domains and proxied ...
1168,14486,038definedCalls Module#defined whenever a class or module is defined or redefined
1280,08853,556respond_to_missingDefines Object#respond_to_missing? and patches Object#respond_to? unless this functiona...
1383,50553,556queryable_arrayQueryableArray is intended to store a group of objects which share the same attributes ...
1484,18386,038validates_as_hostname_labelChecks for valid hostname labels
1594,41586,038svnignoregit style ignores with subversion
16113,38353,556variablesRuby already has `Method` objects, why not `Variable` objects as well?
17117,76386,038monolithMonolithic git repository generator
18120,74242,025hattr_accessorAllows you to define attr_accessors that reference members of a hash
19126,01886,038net-http-not_modified_cacheCaches responses for requests that respond with "304 - Not Modified" and adds "if-modif...
20127,22986,038taggieA tiny little HTML/XML parser...using regex
21129,18386,038text_editorText editor
22141,17186,038pipe_operatorElixir/Unix style pipe operations in Ruby
23160,40086,038destructES6 style object destructuring in Ruby