Danini-the-panini's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,93418,637mittsuMittsu is a 3D Graphics Library for Ruby, based heavily on Three.js
260,64321,551kdlRuby implementation of the KDL Document Language Spec
382,45572,875rplusplusA collection of command-line tools for making C++ development easier.
4111,19072,875tag_removerTag remover let's you remove all elements of specified tags from extremely large XML do...
5113,54072,875gosu_lightingVector-based shadows for circles and axis-aligned rectangles in the Gosu graphics library.
6113,87072,875someapiBuilt around HTTParty, SomeAPI provides a generic wrapper for your favourite RESTful We...
7121,01772,875tag_remover_nokogiriTag remover let's you remove all elements of specified tags from extremely large XML do...
8153,58872,875ping45Does the pinging on the PI, and let's users do first-time setup.
9167,19972,875garnet_rubyComing Soon.
10169,17272,875json-lispThe aim of JSON-Lisp is to allow for an executable code format that is simple and porta...
11172,67072,875kqlA query language for navigating KDL documents
12177,21972,875findymlEver wondered where that i18n locale was defined but your project is massive and legacy...
13178,43972,875json_in_kdlAllows JSON to be encoded as KDL
14178,46472,875xml_in_kdlAllows XML to be encoded as KDL
15178,78972,875rraySimple raytracer written in ruby. Can be used a CLI tool or library.
16182,52172,875mittsu-openglOpenGL 3 renderer for Mittsu using GLFW for context creation
17183,84043,052tuna_rollFind all the HTML classes used in your templates. Super-duper experimental, only works ...