Kaiinui's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
150,25766,011aquasync_modelA mixin to help development of Aquasync.
278,740107,996middleman-inlinerProvides a helper to Inline JS/CSS in Middleman for performance.
379,563107,996aquasync_deltas_aggregatorTo help implementation of Aquasync.
485,185107,996cloud_flowSQS Powered Multi-instance coding made easy
6113,550107,996rbbigquery[WIP ]Provides a easier way to handle BigQuery with Ruby.
7138,05666,011cocproxyProxy which can stub certain URL to local file.
8139,08966,011rbscreenshotTake a screen shot with ruby in one line.
9147,739107,996discoverydocGenerates Markdown documentation from YAML discovery file.