1 | 19,017 | 53,556 | ec2ctl | A small command line tool for managing EC2/ELB. |
2 | 44,442 | 53,556 | amirotate | Back up EC2 instances by Snapshot/AMI. Capable of managing backup retention period. |
3 | 59,610 | 53,556 | thor-aws | Thor extension for building CLI to deal with AWS. |
4 | 69,160 | 86,038 | backlog_jp | A Ruby interface for project management service Backlog.jp API V2. |
5 | 89,880 | 86,038 | sgviz | A visualization tool for AWS VPC Security Groups. |
6 | 95,007 | 53,556 | s3sizecalc | Calculate bucket/region/account total size usage of Amazon S3. |
7 | 100,236 | 86,038 | arec53 | Registeres executer's public IP address to Route 53 record set. |
8 | 139,222 | 86,038 | backlog_jp-pj2json | Export Backlog.jp project issues/comments to JSON. |
9 | 161,900 | 53,556 | kumogata2-plugin-yaml | Kumogata2 YAML plugin. |