Jantman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,0079,482awssumeThis is a gem for assuming an AWS IAM role and using the returned temporary credentials...
212,45314,619serverspec-extended-typesThis gem provides some purpose-specific types for ServerSpec 2.x beyond the default one...
331,13859,086cf_deployerFor automatic blue green deployment flow on CloudFormation.
438,11028,543tfwrappertfwrapper provides Rake tasks for working with Hashicorp Terraform 0.9+, ensuring prope...
541,08759,086backupsssBackup any file or directory as a tar and push the tar to a specificed S3 bucket.
649,73759,086vagrant-r10kVagrant middleware plugin to allow you to have just a Puppetfile and manifests in your ...
757,22159,086dogtrainerDEPRECATED - Provides a slightly opinionated wrapper class around DataDog's dogapi to ...
888,57059,086pack_rbA gem for driving the Packer command line tool from within your Ruby project.
9117,73628,543rspec-matcher-num-timesRspec matchers for dealing with include and match a given number of times
10137,67059,086docker-helpersProvides some helpers to assist in testing/developing with the docker-api gem.