Ianks's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,607541rb_sysHelpers for compiling Rust extensions for ruby
210,4665,804yabeda-gcPrometheus exporter for easy collecting of Ruby GC metrics
314,9469,629mini_phonePlugs directly in the the Google's native C++ [libphonenumber](https://github.com/googl...
418,25161,367fast_wootheeRuby bindings to woothee-rust
523,02311,358octodownGitHub Markdown straight from your shell.
634,23761,367attr-gatherWrite a longer description or delete this line.
746,15361,367yabeda-latencyExtends Yabeda metrics with latency metrics
856,52961,367rspec_api_helpersHelpers for testing Rails APIs.
958,33061,367tty-logger-ravenRaven for Ruby handler for tty-logger
1070,02961,367rust_ruby_exampleA Rust extension for Ruby
1173,01661,367yagni_json_encoder~2x faster JSON encoder for Rails
1290,18161,367http_response_code-testTests HTTP response codes of given .txt file
13113,61261,367graphql-validationValidate graphql-ruby arguments easily with dry-validation
14115,84116,044libclangProvides bundled static-linked libclang shared library for different platforms, which, ...
15139,30761,367early_hints_headerAn early hints Ruby / Rack middleware which just sets Link headers (i.e. for nginx http...
16143,56833,893nanoid_extC++ extension for nanoid gem: A tiny, secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator.
17152,12661,367adhawkInterface with AdHawk
18162,60261,367b58Uses libbase58 to encode Ruby strings to base58
19164,67861,367gladwordsAdWords support for ROM.rb
20166,58325,716nicetestConfigure Minitest with common plugins and options to make it even nicer to use.
21171,49161,367dry-schema-extensionsEnhances dry-schema with the ability to export convert dry-schemas to OpenAPI definitions.
22171,64561,367slugrustRuby bindings to the "slugify" crate
23175,30761,367syshareA gem that provides some useful components for dry-system. The goal is to be able to ea...
24179,52661,367svg-hushA Ruby wrapper for the svg-hush library