Jrgns's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,0898,510logstash-input-cloudwatchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
221,62717,200proxesRack wrapper around Elasticsearch to provide security and management features
332,38419,502dittySinatra Based Application Framework
433,22510,133sequel-elasticsearchA plugin for the Sequel gem to sync data to Elasticsearch.
5100,63517,200s3proxyGrant users access to files on S3 through your program.
6110,00819,502s3browserA simple yet extendable utility to browse files on S3.
7112,33357,505elastic-statsAn utility to fetch various statistics from Elasticsearch.
8112,88257,505phase_shiftA simple pipeline processing implementation
9113,38557,505rufus-scheduler-win32-serviceA simple wrapper around the rufus-scheduler to run it as a Windows Service
10116,29757,505fnb_pdf_to_csvConvert account statements from FNB in PDF to CSV
11140,27757,505fetch_and_processSystems need to process files. Sometimes those files reside remotely. This simple gem a...