Piersc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,5839,457paypal-sdk-subscriptionsMissing PayPal REST SDK for Subscriptions Management.
248,76480,049textfileSet-like wrapper around GNU comm and related textfile utilities. A common use case is ...
356,83822,141aw_datapipeUnofficial domain specific ruby wrapper for the AWS SDK Data Pipeline API.
457,29061,626amex_enhanced_authorizationUnofficial Ruby wrapper for American Express Enhanced Authorization.
557,85980,049pocusUnofficial Ruby client for iContact API
658,80980,049lipstickUnofficial ruby wrapper for the Lime Light CRM membership and transaction APIs
767,63421,198nmi_direct_postGem that encapsulates the NMI Direct Post API in an ActiveRecord-like syntax
872,73146,897amex_tokenization_clientUnofficial Ruby wrapper for the American Express Tokenization Service (AETS).
983,52846,897activeadmin-rbThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
1094,12746,897activemerchant-flexpayActive Merchant extension to support FlexPay.io
11100,06346,897activemerchant-argusActive Merchant extension to support Inovio payment gateway (f.k.a. Argus)
12108,41521,198paypal-sdk-rest-pmrbThe PayPal REST SDK provides Ruby APIs to create, process and manage payment.
13120,79661,626kampainerUnofficial Ruby wrapper for the Campaigner Elements API.
14157,510163,113activemerchant-redsys_restActive Merchant extension to support Redsys payment gateway
15175,50880,049arboForked from Greg Bell's 'Arbre', An Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby
16179,01380,049activeadmin-railsA rapid development framework for Ruby on Rails.
17181,19561,626facebook_commerceUnofficial Ruby wrapper for the Facebook Commerce API.