Resonious's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,92626,609softwear-libCommon gems and logic for all softwear apps.
211,24942,025rails_driversLike Rails Engines, but without the friction. Your Rails app can't access them, and the...
352,81331,663knifeswitchImplements the circuit breaker pattern using MySQL as a datastore. https://martinfowler...
4107,30686,038filedictrbUses filedict to emulate a file-backed Hash>
5108,72053,556endpoint_stubKind of like the built-in HttpMock that ActiveResource comes with, except EntpointStub ...
6132,74786,038zxing_cpp_no_cmakeA barcode and QR code library that works with regular Ruby (not just JRuby). This gem c...
7139,27286,038acts_as_warnableAllows models to issue warnings if a task goes wrong