1 | 11,300 | 11,372 | honey_format | Proper objects for CSV headers and rows, convert column values, filter columns and rows... |
2 | 25,851 | 31,663 | wayback_archiver | Post URLs to Wayback Machine (Internet Archive), using a crawler, from Sitemap(s) or a ... |
3 | 38,396 | 53,556 | site_mapper | Map all links on a given site. |
4 | 44,458 | 35,920 | association_count | Get an ActiveRecord association count with ease and without worrying about N+1 queries.... |
5 | 45,213 | 86,038 | arbetsformedlingen | Arbetsförmedlingen API client (Swedish Public Employment Service). Post job ads, Platsa... |
6 | 52,617 | 86,038 | metrojobb | Build a feed for Metrojobb with ease. |
7 | 62,969 | 86,038 | web-console-param | Open Rails web-console by adding ?web_console=1 to any page. You could implement this y... |
8 | 75,424 | 26,609 | jsimple | Easy integration between (legacy) Rails apps, and JavaScript, the gem has makes few ass... |
9 | 84,716 | 86,038 | frilans_finans_api | Interact with Frilans Finans API, easy to use and configure. |
10 | 87,463 | 42,025 | nabatheon | Extract named entities and lemmas using StanfordCoreNLP (alpha). Assumes that all depen... |
11 | 87,925 | 86,038 | action_table | Render ActiveRecord objects as HTML tables with one line of Ruby - supports some simple... |
12 | 96,855 | 35,920 | jsonapi_helpers | A set of helpers for generating JSON API compliant responses with together with the act... |
13 | 96,998 | 86,038 | blackcal | Create blacklist rules for calendars with ease. Supports recurring rules for certain we... |
14 | 98,753 | 86,038 | minions | Do things in parallel. |
15 | 99,749 | 35,920 | hot_reload_proxy | Stupid simple proxy, for Webpack dev server hot-reload requests desired host and port. |
16 | 111,046 | 86,038 | stupid_sms | Send SMS with ease, either one by one or in bulk. |
17 | 112,707 | 86,038 | verify_urls | Verify URL(s) with ease - CLI and Ruby. |
18 | 118,635 | 86,038 | url_finder | Find URLs in common file formats (Markdown, HTML, string) with ease - Ruby and CLI. |
19 | 119,496 | 86,038 | spidr_cli | Command Line Interface (CLI) for the spidr gem. |
20 | 120,555 | 86,038 | verify_redirects | Verify HTTP redirects - comes with CLI and CSV support (you can of course use plain Rub... |
21 | 136,289 | 86,038 | assets_ledger | Very simple way of handling JS/CSS dependencies and making sure they are present when n... |
22 | 138,258 | 86,038 | stupid_crawler | Stupid crawler that looks for URLs on a given site. Result is saved as two CSV files on... |
23 | 141,048 | 86,038 | site_health | Crawl a site and check various health indicators, such as: HTTP 4XX, 5XX status, valid ... |
24 | 162,433 | 86,038 | active_count | ActiveRecord count helpers - avoid N+1 queries when counting associations and more. |
25 | 165,848 | 53,556 | json_api_helpers | A set of helpers for generating JSON API compliant responses with together with the act... |
26 | 167,121 | 86,038 | centra | Dealing with Centra stuff, i.e reading export files, generating summaries, matching ord... |