Buren's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,30011,372honey_formatProper objects for CSV headers and rows, convert column values, filter columns and rows...
225,85131,663wayback_archiverPost URLs to Wayback Machine (Internet Archive), using a crawler, from Sitemap(s) or a ...
338,39653,556site_mapperMap all links on a given site.
444,45835,920association_countGet an ActiveRecord association count with ease and without worrying about N+1 queries....
545,21386,038arbetsformedlingenArbetsförmedlingen API client (Swedish Public Employment Service). Post job ads, Platsa...
652,61786,038metrojobbBuild a feed for Metrojobb with ease.
762,96986,038web-console-paramOpen Rails web-console by adding ?web_console=1 to any page. You could implement this y...
875,42426,609jsimpleEasy integration between (legacy) Rails apps, and JavaScript, the gem has makes few ass...
984,71686,038frilans_finans_apiInteract with Frilans Finans API, easy to use and configure.
1087,46342,025nabatheonExtract named entities and lemmas using StanfordCoreNLP (alpha). Assumes that all depen...
1187,92586,038action_tableRender ActiveRecord objects as HTML tables with one line of Ruby - supports some simple...
1296,85535,920jsonapi_helpersA set of helpers for generating JSON API compliant responses with together with the act...
1396,99886,038blackcalCreate blacklist rules for calendars with ease. Supports recurring rules for certain we...
1498,75386,038minionsDo things in parallel.
1599,74935,920hot_reload_proxyStupid simple proxy, for Webpack dev server hot-reload requests desired host and port.
16111,04686,038stupid_smsSend SMS with ease, either one by one or in bulk.
17112,70786,038verify_urlsVerify URL(s) with ease - CLI and Ruby.
18118,63586,038url_finderFind URLs in common file formats (Markdown, HTML, string) with ease - Ruby and CLI.
19119,49686,038spidr_cliCommand Line Interface (CLI) for the spidr gem.
20120,55586,038verify_redirectsVerify HTTP redirects - comes with CLI and CSV support (you can of course use plain Rub...
21136,28986,038assets_ledgerVery simple way of handling JS/CSS dependencies and making sure they are present when n...
22138,25886,038stupid_crawlerStupid crawler that looks for URLs on a given site. Result is saved as two CSV files on...
23141,04886,038site_healthCrawl a site and check various health indicators, such as: HTTP 4XX, 5XX status, valid ...
24162,43386,038active_countActiveRecord count helpers - avoid N+1 queries when counting associations and more.
25165,84853,556json_api_helpersA set of helpers for generating JSON API compliant responses with together with the act...
26167,12186,038centraDealing with Centra stuff, i.e reading export files, generating summaries, matching ord...