Manheim's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7869,163vinbotVinbot generates decodeable vins and provides a vehicle object that includes real vehic...
26,8519,796vin_bankA collection of decodeable vin information
36,87627,962test-helpersA collection of helpers.
48,81416,048awssumeThis is a gem for assuming an AWS IAM role and using the returned temporary credentials...
512,71460,424cai-ecs-entrypointInjects SSM parameters into Docker containers running on AWS ECS
630,38316,626cf_deployerFor automatic blue green deployment flow on CloudFormation.
738,36421,205tfwrappertfwrapper provides Rake tasks for working with Hashicorp Terraform 0.9+, ensuring prope...
840,46034,868backupsssBackup any file or directory as a tar and push the tar to a specificed S3 bucket.
957,59041,979dogtrainerDEPRECATED - Provides a slightly opinionated wrapper class around DataDog's dogapi to ...
1087,13084,840pack_rbA gem for driving the Packer command line tool from within your Ruby project.
11135,809168,370docker-helpersProvides some helpers to assist in testing/developing with the docker-api gem.
12156,782168,370gertrudeLibrarian to manage your things for you.
13173,865136,377man_eb_deployerFor automating Blue-Green deployment flows on Elastic Beanstalk.