1 | 16,094 | 10,135 | vertebrae | A set of low level infrastructure and reusable code for building API clients |
2 | 19,926 | 11,959 | action_kit_rest | Gem for interacting with the ActionKit API |
3 | 25,537 | 15,939 | application_service | A service layer scaffold for rails apps extracted from Agra |
4 | 31,922 | 45,403 | tijuana_client | An API client for the code that runs Getup.org.au |
5 | 32,084 | 13,306 | action_network_rest | Ruby client for interacting with the ActionNetwork REST API |
6 | 33,610 | 28,693 | tokyo_api | Tokyo is a CRM middleware, this gem helps apps talk to it. |
7 | 35,763 | 62,315 | hashicorptools | Wrappers for terraform and packer |
8 | 38,234 | 19,379 | agra_api | Agra is a distributed petitions platform, this is a gem for talking to it's API |
9 | 40,622 | 37,338 | sidekiq_metered_exceptions | Some exceptions are transient, so notifying an admin is not useful. |
10 | 42,370 | 45,403 | mobilize-america-client | Client gem for the MobilizeAmerica API |
11 | 44,935 | 26,052 | nation_builder | Ruby wrapper for NationBuilder API |
12 | 48,617 | 45,403 | engaging-networks-rest | Client gem for the ENS API to Engaging Networks |
13 | 57,411 | 45,403 | campact_user_service | Ruby wrapper for Campact User Service |
14 | 58,334 | 19,379 | upland_mobile_commons_rest | A simple ruby API client gem for the Upland Mobile Commons REST API |
15 | 61,312 | 37,338 | passenger-metrics | Get passenger metrics from passenger-status into the analytics tool of your choice. |
16 | 66,827 | 62,315 | identity-api-client | Provides a simple ruby binding to 38dgs identity API |
17 | 94,654 | 105,340 | blue_state_digital | Simple wrapper for Blue State Digital. |
18 | 101,115 | 105,340 | ngpvan-public-event-listing | NGPVAN does not have an officially supported way of accessing event form URLs by Event ... |
19 | 103,083 | 62,315 | aws_ami_cleanup | Script for deleting obsolete AMIs |
20 | 105,712 | 105,340 | engaging_networks | Gem for interacting with the Engaging Networks API |
21 | 147,906 | 44,861 | mobilizeamerica-client | Client gem for the mobilizeamerica API |