Greeneca's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,59818,301locomotive_pluginsThis gem allows developers to create plugins for Locomotive CMS with particular functio...
268,76169,639locomotive_ecommerce_pluginLocomotive plugin for ecommerce including a shopping cart
3111,61869,639locomotive_sort_pluginAllows designers to sort content types multiple different ways.
4111,81669,639locomotive_page_redirect_pluginAllows CMS designers to assign a locomotive model that defines page redirestions.
5112,02169,639locomotive_basic_auth_pluginLocomotive plugin for adding basic authentication to pages of a site
6147,13069,639locomotive_search_ext_pluginProvides search display tag.
7148,51169,639stripe_helperProvides a Cell to render a 'Pay with Stripe' button and handle the response from Stripe.