Ashfurrow's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0492,139danger-swiftlintA Danger plugin for linting Swift with SwiftLint.
23,0622,143danger-rubocopA Danger plugin for running Ruby files through Rubocop.
33,7643,545cocoapods-keysA key value store for environment settings in Cocoa Apps.
415,67961,367second_curtainIf you're using the cool FBSnapshotTestCase to test your iOS view logic, awesome! Even ...
550,10961,367playgroundbookTooks for Swift Playground books on iOS, a renderer and a linter.
6116,52161,367cocoapods-chillax-swiftA CocoaPods plugin to disable compiler optimizations on certain pods.
7119,56961,367cocoapods-superdeintegrateSuperdeintegrate CocoaPods from your project 💣.
8144,59261,367playground-book-lintLints books for Swift Playgrounds on iOS
9148,26961,367upload-ios-snapshot-test-caseIf you're using the cool FBSnapshotTestCase to test your iOS view logic, awesome! Even ...