1 | 2,049 | 2,139 | danger-swiftlint | A Danger plugin for linting Swift with SwiftLint. |
2 | 3,062 | 2,143 | danger-rubocop | A Danger plugin for running Ruby files through Rubocop. |
3 | 3,764 | 3,545 | cocoapods-keys | A key value store for environment settings in Cocoa Apps. |
4 | 15,679 | 61,367 | second_curtain | If you're using the cool FBSnapshotTestCase to test your iOS view logic, awesome! Even ... |
5 | 50,109 | 61,367 | playgroundbook | Tooks for Swift Playground books on iOS, a renderer and a linter. |
6 | 116,521 | 61,367 | cocoapods-chillax-swift | A CocoaPods plugin to disable compiler optimizations on certain pods. |
7 | 119,569 | 61,367 | cocoapods-superdeintegrate | Superdeintegrate CocoaPods from your project 💣. |
8 | 144,592 | 61,367 | playground-book-lint | Lints books for Swift Playgrounds on iOS |
9 | 148,269 | 61,367 | upload-ios-snapshot-test-case | If you're using the cool FBSnapshotTestCase to test your iOS view logic, awesome! Even ... |