1 | 61,664 | 97,699 | ecs_deploy_cli | Declare your cluster structure in a ECSFile and use the CLI to run deploys and monitor ... |
2 | 73,237 | 97,699 | active_queryable | Gem to make easier model's filtering, sorting and pagination |
3 | 75,735 | 53,223 | alchemy-api-rb-gem | A gem distribution for AlchemyAPI for ruby, see https://github.com/AlchemyAPI/alchemyap... |
4 | 80,025 | 97,699 | neo4jrb_spatial | Provides basic support for Neo4j Spatial with Neo4j.rb. |
5 | 91,348 | 97,699 | mime-typer | A gem to detect mime type of a file, using libmagic. |
6 | 154,098 | 97,699 | passenger-rails-server | passenger-rails-server overrides the Rack::Handler.default method to return Rack::Handl... |
7 | 157,084 | 97,699 | skill_tree | A simple and complete ACL system for Rails, that allows to specify a role for an user f... |