Bub2000's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
151,93286,038apidocMinimalist API documentation generator for Rack applications.
262,83586,038teejayvanslyke-gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
366,16686,038enigmaKey/secret authentication gem for your web services
4115,86386,038apicalMinimalist API documentation generator for Rack applications.
5122,30986,038sassafrasSass color scheme generator
6125,08553,556kofiA utility for setting and retrieving Rails I18n strings from the command line
7125,61086,038teejayvanslyke-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only), with some modifications
8127,16286,038rtrac-utilsa suite of utilities for use with Josh Stephenson's Rtrac gem
9134,18686,038seinfeldA command line utility for tracking daily habits