Hardpixel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,936948unaccentReplace accented characters with unaccented characters.
29,7587,260tablelessCreate models that are not bound to the database and take advantage of the ActiveRecord...
313,8155,013mrmlRuby wrapper for MRML, the MJML parser implementation in Rust.
422,99014,661marvA toolkit for bootstrapping and developing WordPress themes and plugins using Sass, LES...
524,55420,749active_delegateStores and retrieves delegatable data through attributes on an ActiveRecord class, with...
640,21586,038active_contentGenerates base inheritable models Content, Taxonomy, Upload, Meta, Profile and Template.
741,66286,038bedrock_sassAdds Bedrock Admin HTML framework, based on Zurb Foundation 6, into assets path.
845,10886,038smart_navigationView helpers for navigation menus. Build navigation menus from hash objects.
945,70786,038active_permalinkAdd SEO friendly permalinks to ActiveRecord model with history support.
1047,16586,038smart_paginationView helpers for SmartPaginate. A simple, smart and clean pagination extension for Acti...
1147,39786,038action_crudSpeed up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions.
1248,02686,038action_adminRuby on Rails mountable engine to create admin interfaces.
1348,88553,556active_seoOptimize ActiveRecord models with support for SEO, Twitter and Open Graph meta.
1466,03386,038simple_attributeAttribute decorator support for ActiveRecord models.
1566,47042,025colordomExtract dominant colors from images using native extension implemented in Rust.
1679,36986,038woopra_trackWoopra analytics client-side and server-side tracking helper.
1797,21586,038smart_settingsStores and retrieves settings on an ActiveRecord class, with support for application an...
18121,71986,038active_bookingsMake ActiveRecord models bookable with availability rules, schedule etc.
19157,66786,038tm2gsvConvert TextMate color scgemes to GTK Source View color schemes.
20175,24786,038active_similarFind similar Active Record models through most common associations.