Ryanburnette's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
141,31023,626jekyll-titleizeTitleize as a Liquid Filter in Jekyll.
246,08286,038dropboximus_primeDropboximus Prime is a content cacher and processor written for Dropbox in Ruby.
373,84586,038compose_urlAbstract away the details of composing a URL with query parameters.
474,80186,038rb42-videosVideos is an API for going from a URL to video embed code.
5118,03786,038vfrmapAn implementation of the VFRMAP API in Ruby.
6120,30986,038middleman-gistA Github Gist helper for the Middleman static site generator.
7151,66353,556jekyll-embedly-pluginAn embed.ly Liquid tag for Jekyll.