1 | 9,418 | 41,086 | rest-ftp-daemon | A pretty simple transfer daemon, controlled with a RESTful API |
2 | 15,802 | 61,367 | bmc-daemon-lib | Shared utilities to build a daemon: logger, configuration, helpers |
3 | 17,855 | 41,086 | pushyd | A nice proxy listenning to a RabbitMQ bus, repeating selected messages in POST requests... |
4 | 113,042 | 61,367 | rest-ftp-daemon-transform-ffmpeg | rest-ftp-daemon plugin: ffmpeg |
5 | 120,962 | 61,367 | bmc-tools | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
6 | 136,248 | 61,367 | rest-ftp-daemon-remote-sftp | rest-ftp-daemon plugin: sFTP |
7 | 136,392 | 61,367 | rest-ftp-daemon-remote-s3 | rest-ftp-daemon plugin: S3 |
8 | 136,503 | 61,367 | rftpd-transform-move | rest-ftp-daemon transforms plugin: move |
9 | 136,556 | 61,367 | rest-ftp-daemon-transform-mp4split | rest-ftp-daemon plugin: mp4split |
10 | 165,893 | 61,367 | rest-ftp-daemon-transform-move | rest-ftp-daemon transforms plugin: move |