Astyd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7493,634apexchartsCreate beautiful, interactive, and responsive web charts in ruby app powered by apexcha...
211,82415,214smart_kvWrite options or configurations without worry of typos and the need to remember all the...
353,52760,975chadetCharacters Detective: A command line game of guessing random characters intelligently. ...
460,11813,817functionable-jsonGenerate JSON with JavaScript functions from ruby hash
568,07040,825montocMonospace Text Document: convert any plain text to rectangularized text (same number o...
681,33340,825kaspayA gem to access KasPay web using watir gem and X virtual framebuffer wrapped by headles...
7109,75060,975sd_structAn alternative to OpenStruct that more strict in assigning values and deeper in consumi...
8111,86960,975sleep2Ruby sleep with extra magical stuff.
9122,07840,825pry-diff-routesA Pry plugin to see the difference you made to Rails routes
10153,07960,975petromindoA gem to access Petromindo web, especially the job gallery, using watir gem and X virtu...
11154,51540,825t3_gameTic Tac Toe on the terminal. Fun game!
12159,78940,825kajianPustaka ruby untuk mengekstrak data acara kajian Islam dari berbagai situs di Indonesia...
13163,96960,975kategloThe unofficial Ruby library for accessing Kateglo API, an online dictionary, thesaurus ...
14167,38460,975kajian-kajian_muslimPlugin/Adapter untuk pustaka Kajian.
15174,80660,975pry-rails-diff-routesA Pry plugin to see the difference you made to Rails routes