Kpheasey's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,1757,808rails_scriptRails Script is a Rails-centric, object oriented, featherweight framework for writting ...
222,22241,916active_touchTouch specific associations when specific attributes change. Call an optional method o...
343,46219,893connect_wise_restA dead simple REST client wrapper for Connect Wise.
444,98725,458connect_wise_web_reportsFull support Connect Wise Web Reports API, including custom queries, pagination, api in...
566,12925,458jsonapi_actionsImplement Rails JSON:API compliant controller actions.
669,78663,432omniauth-riskalyzeRiskalyze strategy for OmniAuth v1.2
786,68025,458smilebackAn API v3 wrapper for smileback with OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy
888,99063,432shout_outAbstract complex ActiveRecord callbacks into Shouts.
997,10863,432autotask_apiAbstracted Autotask API 1.5 wrapper
10117,47563,432showerCreate JSON streams for any action without locking up your database.
11125,15825,458riskalyze_apiRuby wrapper for Riskalyze REST API
12147,39163,432vendrFull featured, fast, reliable, open source Rails e-commerce engine
13150,45963,432let_us_hideSimple Gem to work with the api.
14151,67663,432gemgentorails based magento bridge for ecommerce
15152,78041,916rails-scriptRails Script is a Rails-centric, object oriented, featherweight framework for writting ...
16154,48663,432aqumulate_apiAqumulate API wrapper with easy to use adapter classes.
17161,17041,916omniauth-freshbooks-oauth2FreshBooks OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth using the new FreshBooks API
18162,30841,916riskalyze-apiRuby wrapper for Riskalyze REST API
19162,67841,916regionsPre-built Rails model with all Regions from Carmen.
20170,82763,432omniauth-mspcfoAn OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for MSPCFO.