Prokizzle's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,33363,432ops_tasksAWS Opsworks Rake & CLI Tasks for Deployment
225,25930,305dino_utilsDino stuff
327,64714,438realtimeProvides a simple Realtime framework for Rails applications.
496,78425,458say2slackA syntax and gem for posting to slack channels or DMs with one line of code
5111,84263,432extracare2ofLogs into CVS account, adds coupons with due dates to OmniFocus, remembers imported cou...
6114,34963,432create_taskCreates tasks for omnifocus, things, reminders
7114,90163,432send2macA client for Send2Mac. Automatically launches received URLs in the default browser
8118,66430,305result2csvFor use with 80legs
9150,15963,432pinboard_toolsAuto-tagger with embedly support, safari reading list importer, dead link remover
10152,69563,432datafinitiAllows users to interface with Datafiniti API to retrieve location and product records
11155,15963,432okc_botAllows users to build bots that use okcupid