Endocrimes's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1211209claideA small command-line interface framework.
2238230xcodeprojXcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management...
3330304nanaimoA library for (de)serialization of ASCII Plists.
4362432cocoapodsCocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...
5375452cocoapods-coreThe CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods. It is i...
6462580molinilloProvides support for dependency resolution
7478353corkA delightful CLI UI module.
8488559cocoapods-downloaderA small library for downloading files from remotes in a folder.
9589699cocoapods-trunkInteract with trunk.cocoapods.org
10646687cocoapods-deintegrateA CocoaPods plugin to remove and de-integrate CocoaPods from your project.
11658690cocoapods-tryCocoaPods plugin which allows to quickly try the demo project of a Pod.
12659693fourflusherA library for interacting with Xcode simulators.
13669688cocoapods-searchSearch for pods.
14679700cocoapods-pluginsThis CocoaPods plugin shows information about all available CocoaPods plugins ...
151,4535,938cocoapods-statsUploads statistics for Pod Analytics.
164,9543,459cocoapods-acknowledgementsCocoaPods plugin that generates an acknowledgements plist to make it easy to create too...
179,66441,086cocoapods-romeRome makes it easy to build a list of frameworks for consumption outside of Xcode
1834,67216,044cocoapods_debugA simple plugin to ease debugging CocoaPods.
1984,98161,367claide-completionCLI completion plugin for CLAide.
2089,10561,367cocoapods-docsSimple gem which offers convenient access to the documentation of a Pod via cocoadocs.org.
21122,44661,367twentysixA small wrapper around the n26 Banking API.
22128,32861,367cocoapods-repo-shardShard a CocoaPods specs repository.
23128,98061,367theobromaAutomatically use the correct CocoaPods version for your project.
24165,76861,367fastlane-plugin-asciiiAdd ascii text to your fastlane output