1 | 10,892 | 8,016 | material_design_lite-rails | Material Design Lite, for Rails |
2 | 59,278 | 47,929 | subdivision_select | A Rails Engine to fill in a select box based on a country_select |
3 | 91,300 | 107,887 | rome-rails | Rome is a customizeable javascript date and time picker. This gem allows for its easy i... |
4 | 100,269 | 71,169 | semantic_linefeeds | Convert text to semantic linefeeds |
5 | 121,811 | 84,493 | npm2gem | A tool to help maintain Asset gems for Ruby on Rails |
6 | 144,479 | 107,887 | genderstat | Calculate the relative frequencies of gendered language in a file or on the web |
7 | 160,689 | 107,887 | mdspec | Markdown as testable document. |