1 | 15,733 | 23,550 | world_airports | This gem will translate an IATA into an airport name, location, city and country inform... |
2 | 26,374 | 60,975 | bali | Bali (Bulwark Authorization Library) is a to-the-point authorization library for Rails. |
3 | 53,788 | 60,975 | jsoning | Turning object into json can sometimes be frustrating. With Jsoning, you could turn you... |
4 | 81,470 | 60,975 | remexify | A gem that make your system a log handler as well, by saving any error to your database... |
5 | 95,299 | 60,975 | condensable | Hash values are set/retrieved using a number, a string, symbol or other hashable object... |
6 | 149,467 | 60,975 | assignbot | Assign an object's instance variables using hash |
7 | 153,009 | 60,975 | urbans | Urbans allows you to query for cities, provinces, or countries |
8 | 156,122 | 60,975 | grape_routes | Provide referable routing mechanism for your Grape API |