Adamnoto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,73323,550world_airportsThis gem will translate an IATA into an airport name, location, city and country inform...
226,37460,975baliBali (Bulwark Authorization Library) is a to-the-point authorization library for Rails.
353,78860,975jsoningTurning object into json can sometimes be frustrating. With Jsoning, you could turn you...
481,47060,975remexifyA gem that make your system a log handler as well, by saving any error to your database...
595,29960,975condensableHash values are set/retrieved using a number, a string, symbol or other hashable object...
6149,46760,975assignbotAssign an object's instance variables using hash
7153,00960,975urbansUrbans allows you to query for cities, provinces, or countries
8156,12260,975grape_routesProvide referable routing mechanism for your Grape API