Zw963's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,32053,556coffee_without_nodejsSimple & Smart CoffeeScript command-line compiler. No need Nodejs installed.
248,42853,556pryxpry extension tools!
349,86735,920erb_to_slimConvert Erb to Slim directly with REGEXP.
455,41053,556simple_cacherThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
557,93720,054hot_reloaderA dead simple ruby code hot reloader wrap around zeitwerk and listen.
681,28831,663js2coffeeConvert yours JavaScript code to CoffeeScript, vice versa.
785,41886,038rails_better_loggerJust is the canonical rails logger, you don't miss anything, just better!
897,71786,038only_blankA tiny library for bring the awesome `blank?` method to ruby. Along with the fastest [f...
9112,45886,038delayed_workerA easy-use and clean wrapper for sidekiq worker.