Mkhairi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9884,605materialize-sassA modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design. https://materializecs...
24,1764,411jquery-datatablesInclude jQuery DataTables in asset pipeline with ease
310,58410,377alertifyjs-railsUse Alertify.js ( with Rails 3, 4 and 5
415,80713,858material-sassMaterial Design for Bootstrap 4.
527,99661,367bootswatchBootswatches in your Rails asset pipeline.
628,56216,044undrawEmbed an SVG illustrations by unDraw into your rails ap...
731,25461,367fullcalendarUse Fullcalendar, scheduler in asset pipeline with ease
886,31961,367billplz-apiBillplz Api Client