1 | 38,029 | 42,025 | snorlax | Snorlax is an opinionated, but flexible and well-RESTed controller for Rails APIs |
2 | 39,425 | 53,556 | discriminator | Discriminate class type based on a model field |
3 | 49,325 | 53,556 | solicit | Solicit reviewers for your github pull requests on Slack |
4 | 86,800 | 86,038 | babbel | Sets up a framework for allowing inline translation of database content |
5 | 87,790 | 86,038 | discourse-diff | This library has been extracted from [Discourse core](https://www.github.com/discourse/... |
6 | 88,845 | 35,920 | inline_translation | Sets up a framework for allowing inline translation of database content |
7 | 96,187 | 42,025 | activerecord-polymorph | Allows polymorphic loading of has_many through objects |
8 | 147,785 | 86,038 | recurso | Easy cascading permissions |
9 | 153,743 | 53,556 | handle_in_transaction | Adds a helper to wrap model methods in transactions easily. |
10 | 157,161 | 42,025 | loomio_event_bus | Loomio::EventBus allows for simple pub/sub style event architecture in your rails app |
11 | 157,620 | 53,556 | loomio_event | LoomioEvent allows for simple pub/sub style event architecture in your rails app |