Ytbryan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,80923,626vuejsLatest Vue.js + vue-router + vue-resource + vue-validator + vuex for Rails - ship with ...
224,39321,532emdEmbedded markdown template for Ruby on Rails
325,84517,852chartAdd beautiful and reusable charts with one line of ruby ChartJS, NVD3, Google Chart and...
431,80886,038aka2A delightful way to manage and grow your aliases in your daily project.
554,34986,038vueonrailsRuby on Rails with the power of Vue components
668,72728,793highlightingSyntax Highlighting for Rails using latest PrismJS.
787,59286,038slicingslice and dice CSV file via command line
8116,75853,556cutestrapcutestrap for rails 3.x & 4.x with asset pipeline.
9120,79642,025macvendorsfind vendor names from mac addresses
10144,10886,038patuPatu is a simple command line scraper for daily scraping.
11152,72053,556xxxxxCross allows you to cross post to twitter and facebook from command line.
12153,65486,038typingAdd typing effect to rails view easily.
13155,50286,038f7"Unofficial support of Framework7 on Rails via Asset Pipeline"
14168,00986,038todolista simple todo list ✅ on your terminal
15172,95753,556inditeIndite makes it easy to manage your jekyll.