Nick-aschenbach's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
137,60641,086astronomySearch or browse the names, descriptions and image URLs for various categories includin...
237,75541,086astronomy_engineA light weight, mountable engine for the 'astronomy' gem. Search or browse various astr...
347,92261,367accuweatherGet weather information for cities around the world using the accuweather web API. Incl...
449,91341,086renumberAllows renumbering non-sequential files sequentially. For example f00.txt, f03.txt, f99...
576,33761,367game_wordsFind words, phrases, songs, movies, characters, actions and sayings for Pictionary, Cat...
6113,53961,367scrabble_scoreAn engine that finds words from a set of letters and calculates the scrabble score
7154,04061,367roman_namesA fun generator to generate ancient roman names