V0dro's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9072,411distributionDistribution is a gem with several probabilistic distributions. Pure Ruby is used by de...
23,8173,951daruDaru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...
36,20510,886statsampleA suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...
46,2299,805extendmatrixThe project consists of some enhancements to the Ruby "Matrix" module and includes: LU...
56,55812,060gslRuby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing wit...
67,5357,862irubyA Ruby kernel for Jupyter environment. Try it at try.jupyter.org.
712,98135,920statsample-bivariate-extensionPolychoric and Tetrachoric extensions for Statsample::Bivariate.
813,36421,532nyaplotNyaplot is an Interactive plots generator based on Web technology like SVG, WebGL, and ...
947,32586,038statsample-glmStatsample-GLM is an extension to Statsample, an advance statistics suite in Ruby. Th...
1052,53886,038server_scriptsEasily write scripts for submitted jobs to various machines.
1169,11186,038statsample-timeseriesVarious functions for time series analysis.
1271,67035,920interpolationInterpolation is a library for executing various interpolation functions in Ruby.
1396,10486,038rubexA Ruby-like language for writing Ruby C extensions. Rubex keeps you happy even when wr...
1496,65286,038xndXND is a library for typed data arrays in Ruby. It is a wrapper over the libxnd C library.
1596,86286,038benchmark-plotbenchmark-plot is an extension to the Ruby standard benchmarking library. It let's you...
16106,09786,038ndtypesNDtypes is library for defining memory shapes using a easy and friendly interface. It...
17133,80335,920rubyplotAn advanced plotting library for Ruby.
18150,73442,025gumathGumath is library for function dispatch to XND containers.
19160,29786,038array2hashEfficient conversion of a Ruby Array to a lookup table-like Hash written in Rubex via a...