1 | 17,952 | 17,070 | hetzner-api | A wrapper for Hetzner.de's server management API |
2 | 18,988 | 14,857 | knife-digital_ocean | A plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers |
3 | 22,586 | 86,038 | digital_ocean | A Ruby gem to interact with DigitalOcean, a cloud hosting provider |
4 | 30,998 | 19,470 | hetzner-bootstrap | Easy bootstrapping of hetzner.de rootservers using hetzner-api |
5 | 51,418 | 53,556 | mvg-live | A CLI and ruby client for mvg-live.de, the real-time interface to Munich's public trans... |
6 | 57,308 | 42,025 | onlinebrief24 | A gem to interact with onlinebrief24.de (send PDFs as physical letters/snail mail) |
7 | 64,426 | 53,556 | zeit | API client for Zeit.de API |
8 | 83,701 | 53,556 | unspam | returns IP prefixes by ASN. |
9 | 105,652 | 53,556 | alice_invoice | alice_invoice provides a simple interface for downloading invoices and corresponding di... |
10 | 118,263 | 53,556 | decaptcha | helps poor senior data entry specialists in developing countries |
11 | 119,842 | 42,025 | chef-failover | Experimental client side failover. NOT READY YET, SORRY! |
12 | 129,183 | 53,556 | cloudflare_api | not-yet-ready |
13 | 165,520 | 53,556 | omniauth-piratenlogin | OmniAuth strategy for PiratenLogin.de (OAuth2) |
14 | 167,690 | 53,556 | cookery | some cool chef tool |