Rmoriz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,30631,170hetzner-apiA wrapper for Hetzner.de's server management API
219,23419,787knife-digital_oceanA plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers
322,901147,291digital_oceanA Ruby gem to interact with DigitalOcean, a cloud hosting provider
431,33329,723hetzner-bootstrapEasy bootstrapping of hetzner.de rootservers using hetzner-api
551,74140,267mvg-liveA CLI and ruby client for mvg-live.de, the real-time interface to Munich's public trans...
657,79853,644onlinebrief24A gem to interact with onlinebrief24.de (send PDFs as physical letters/snail mail)
764,87371,169zeitAPI client for Zeit.de API
884,04160,549unspamreturns IP prefixes by ASN.
9106,407147,291alice_invoicealice_invoice provides a simple interface for downloading invoices and corresponding di...
10119,001147,291decaptchahelps poor senior data entry specialists in developing countries
11120,581147,291chef-failoverExperimental client side failover. NOT READY YET, SORRY!
13166,592147,291omniauth-piratenloginOmniAuth strategy for PiratenLogin.de (OAuth2)
14168,654147,291cookerysome cool chef tool