Conjur-robot's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,0815,541conjur-apiConjur API
27,1816,831conjur-cliConjur command line interface
38,3115,535conjur-debifyUtility commands to build and package Conjur services as Debian packages
412,98610,892slosiloThis gem provides an easy way of storing and retrieving encryption keys in the database.
513,50110,377sequel-postgres-schemataAllows easy manipulation of Postgres schemas from Ruby with Sequel
613,6987,207parse_a_changelogUses a grammar describing the keep-a-changelog format to attempt to parse a given file.
713,7338,970conjur-rack-heartbeatProvides OPTIONS / as a heartbeat URL
818,0759,056io-grabAdds #grab method to IO, which permits capturing all writes to that IO.
918,91919,101conjur-rackRack authenticator and basic User struct
1030,1219,056memtarIn-memory tar archive creation
1133,82341,086conjur-asset-host-factoryConjur asset plugin for the host factory
1236,75725,716conjur-asset-policyFully declarative YAML markup for Conjur policy.
1344,65323,402conjur-asset-dsl2A fully declarative DSL for Conjur with Ruby and YAML syntax.
1446,08961,367conjur-asset-proxySimple HTTP proxy which adds Conjur authentication headers
1547,47221,627pg_random_idEasily use randomized keys instead of sequential values for your record surrogate ids.
1657,11841,086conjurMake sure Conjur name is not claimable
1758,22861,367docker-porcelainPorcelain for the Docker API
1863,79861,367conjur-asset-uiConjur User Interface Plugin
1972,86461,367conjur-asset-audit-sendConjur asset plugin to send custom audit events
2090,01361,367backlog_reporterPeriodically check Puma backlog and write a flag file
21112,59961,367expiring_memoizeMemoize a method result, refetching after a time to live has elapsed.
22128,58161,367puma_backlog_detectorPeriodically check Puma backlog and write a flag file
23138,02761,367conjur-policy-parserParse the Conjur policy YAML format.
24156,10161,367conjur-asset-policy-loaderServer-side management of Conjur policies.
25158,08961,367keyutilsFFI-based wrapper for Linux keyutils library, providing idiomatic Ruby access to the ke...