1 | 74,402 | 61,367 | dockage | Gem to manage multiple docker containers at once |
2 | 95,211 | 61,367 | redispatcher | Gem to dispatch ActiveRecord objects to anywhere |
3 | 100,996 | 61,367 | gon_responder | respond_with gon |
4 | 105,657 | 61,367 | has_unique_identifier | Make random unique identifiers with ease |
5 | 108,016 | 15,549 | sequel-store | Allows to use ActiveRecord-like store_accessor on hash fields |
6 | 145,920 | 61,367 | query_filters | Parse filters (or something else) from pretty human readable query string to hash |
7 | 162,009 | 61,367 | favro_api | Written in ruby |
8 | 167,061 | 61,367 | elastic-apm-grape-middleware | With cool transaction names |
9 | 170,576 | 61,367 | rkn_ip_lookup | Fuck RKN |