Ytk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,07542,025drbqsTask queuing system over network that is implemented by dRuby.
224,64726,609ruby-mpfrRuby bindings of MPFR that is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computa...
326,55731,663filenameFile name generator with sequential number or time string
438,39486,038ruby-mpfiRuby bindings of MPFI that is a C library for interval arithmetic of multiple precision.
541,87353,556ruby-mpcRuby bindings of MPC that is C library for complex number of multiple precision
642,42953,556ruby-wmctrlRuby bindings to control windows in EWMH and NetWM compatible X Window manager, which i...
749,71553,556subcommand-optparseOption parser for subcommands
850,92424,968user_configThe library creates, saves, and loads configuration files, which are in a user's home d...
954,58123,626latex-project-templateCreate LaTeX project with git from template, which uses latexmk.
1080,82942,025extconf-taskTiny rake tasks to manage extconf.rb
1181,16642,025ruby-unisonRuby interface of the command 'unison'