Kt-jet's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,31180,049scrivito_slick_slider_widgetScrivito Widget for a bootstrap-style Slick Slider.
224,55680,049scrivito_two_column_widgetThis Widget allows you to use a two-column layout and fill it with widgets.
325,18580,049scrivito_three_column_widgetThis Widget allows you to use a three-column layout and fill it with widgets.
430,91780,049scrivito_elastic_slider_widgetAllows inserting an Elastic Slider with image panels and text.
539,16480,049scrivito_tabbed_content_widgetThis Widget gives you tabbed content boxes that can be filled with widgets.
680,83180,049scrivito_teaser_widgetScrivito Widget for a teaser with text, image and call to action.