Jirutka's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,265825asciidoctor-include-extThis is a reimplementation of the Asciidoctor's built-in (pre)processor for the include...
211,11422,512corefinesCorefines is a collection of general purpose refinements for extending the core capabil...
314,35028,793rake-jekyllTasks for deploying Jekyll site to Git etc.
420,8407,762asciidoctor-rougeRouge code highlighter support for Asciidoctor
524,25619,470asciidoctor-html5sSemantic HTML5 backend (converter) for Asciidoctor This converter focuses on correct s...
625,11753,556asciidoctor-doctestA tool for end-to-end testing of Asciidoctor backends based on comparing of textual out...
728,60726,609asciidoctor-templates-compilerCompile templates-based Asciidoctor converter (backend) into a single Ruby file
839,85335,920asciidoctor-interdoc-reftextAsciidoctor extension providing implicit (automatic) reference text (label) for inter-d...
941,91119,470kosapi_clientREST client for KOSapi service
1042,10228,793slim-htagSlim filter providing a heading tag with parametrized (dynamic) level (h1-h6)
1145,87426,609ruby-beautify2A CLI tool (and module) to beautify Ruby code. This is a maintained fork of the origina...
1251,98922,512asciidoctor-katexAsciidoctor extension that converts latexmath to HTML using KaTeX at build-time
1377,02942,025yaml-env-tagCustom YAML tag for referring environment variables in YAML files
14100,40153,556tryrubyConsole tutorial tool for Ruby.
15180,67942,025jekyll-minimaA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.