1 | 1,265 | 825 | asciidoctor-include-ext | This is a reimplementation of the Asciidoctor's built-in (pre)processor for the
include... |
2 | 11,114 | 22,512 | corefines | Corefines is a collection of general purpose refinements for extending the core
capabil... |
3 | 14,350 | 28,793 | rake-jekyll | Tasks for deploying Jekyll site to Git etc. |
4 | 20,840 | 7,762 | asciidoctor-rouge | Rouge code highlighter support for Asciidoctor |
5 | 24,256 | 19,470 | asciidoctor-html5s | Semantic HTML5 backend (converter) for Asciidoctor
This converter focuses on correct s... |
6 | 25,117 | 53,556 | asciidoctor-doctest | A tool for end-to-end testing of Asciidoctor backends based on comparing of textual out... |
7 | 28,607 | 26,609 | asciidoctor-templates-compiler | Compile templates-based Asciidoctor converter (backend) into a single Ruby file |
8 | 39,853 | 35,920 | asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext | Asciidoctor extension providing implicit (automatic) reference text (label) for inter-d... |
9 | 41,911 | 19,470 | kosapi_client | REST client for KOSapi service |
10 | 42,102 | 28,793 | slim-htag | Slim filter providing a heading tag with parametrized (dynamic) level (h1-h6) |
11 | 45,874 | 26,609 | ruby-beautify2 | A CLI tool (and module) to beautify Ruby code. This is a maintained fork of the origina... |
12 | 51,989 | 22,512 | asciidoctor-katex | Asciidoctor extension that converts latexmath to HTML using KaTeX at build-time |
13 | 77,029 | 42,025 | yaml-env-tag | Custom YAML tag for referring environment variables in YAML files |
14 | 100,401 | 53,556 | tryruby | Console tutorial tool for Ruby. |
15 | 180,679 | 42,025 | jekyll-minima | A beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll. |