Inokappa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7004,148awspecRSpec tests for your AWS resources.
229,08741,086furikakeIt is a command line tool to register your resources in Wiki page (Markdown format).
356,77961,367fluent-plugin-datadog_eventfluentd plugin for datadog event
457,94361,367chihuahuaChihuahua is a tool to manage Datadog monitors.
558,27161,367seitonThe seiton (整頓) tidies up your AWS Resources.
663,78161,367wafooSmall tool to manipulate AWS WAF IPSets.
785,98861,367alerty-plugin-datadog_eventalerty plugin for Datadog Event
8103,07629,456oreno_lxdapiLXD API Client for Ruby.
9105,19561,367chef-handler-jenkins_notifierChef notification handler for Jenkins
10107,89261,367fluent-plugin-out_datadog_eventfluentd output plugin for datadog event
11108,22361,367fluent-plugin-out_hosted_graphitefluentd output plugin for post to Hosted Graphite
12110,26861,367elasticache_snapshotAWS ElastiCache for Redis Snapshot tool
13112,24961,367fluent-plugin-haproxy_statsFluentd plugin fo HAProxy info and stats
14120,23561,367kitchen-lxd_apiA Test Kitchen Driver for LxdApi
15144,46261,367infrataster-plugin-ftpFTP Plugin for Infrataster.
16159,83641,086neustar_pfm_cliCommand Line Tool for Neustar WebPerformance Management API
17168,68461,367daimyoIt is a tool to edit Markdown format file in local environment
18173,08761,367kobanzamekobanzame collects resources for ecs task.