1 | 3,700 | 4,148 | awspec | RSpec tests for your AWS resources. |
2 | 29,087 | 41,086 | furikake | It is a command line tool to register your resources in Wiki page (Markdown format). |
3 | 56,779 | 61,367 | fluent-plugin-datadog_event | fluentd plugin for datadog event |
4 | 57,943 | 61,367 | chihuahua | Chihuahua is a tool to manage Datadog monitors. |
5 | 58,271 | 61,367 | seiton | The seiton (整頓) tidies up your AWS Resources. |
6 | 63,781 | 61,367 | wafoo | Small tool to manipulate AWS WAF IPSets. |
7 | 85,988 | 61,367 | alerty-plugin-datadog_event | alerty plugin for Datadog Event |
8 | 103,076 | 29,456 | oreno_lxdapi | LXD API Client for Ruby. |
9 | 105,195 | 61,367 | chef-handler-jenkins_notifier | Chef notification handler for Jenkins |
10 | 107,892 | 61,367 | fluent-plugin-out_datadog_event | fluentd output plugin for datadog event |
11 | 108,223 | 61,367 | fluent-plugin-out_hosted_graphite | fluentd output plugin for post to Hosted Graphite |
12 | 110,268 | 61,367 | elasticache_snapshot | AWS ElastiCache for Redis Snapshot tool |
13 | 112,249 | 61,367 | fluent-plugin-haproxy_stats | Fluentd plugin fo HAProxy info and stats |
14 | 120,235 | 61,367 | kitchen-lxd_api | A Test Kitchen Driver for LxdApi |
15 | 144,462 | 61,367 | infrataster-plugin-ftp | FTP Plugin for Infrataster. |
16 | 159,836 | 41,086 | neustar_pfm_cli | Command Line Tool for Neustar WebPerformance Management API |
17 | 168,684 | 61,367 | daimyo | It is a tool to edit Markdown format file in local environment |
18 | 173,087 | 61,367 | kobanzame | kobanzame collects resources for ecs task. |