Opensourceheroku's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7021,815platform-apiRuby HTTP client for the Heroku API.
22,04586,038foreman-upstart-scalingUpstart exporter for foreman, that supports worker scaling via env vars.
33,94953,556excon-middleware-aws-exponential_backoffExcon middleware to exponentially backoff calling AWS APIs when throttled or experienci...
44,3624,262prmdscaffold, verify and generate docs from JSON Schema
59,27828,793bookendsan engine to abstract common html/css elements across Heroku properties
610,69753,556relishableRelease manager.
715,14642,025devcenter-parserParser for Heroku Dev Center's content
817,14353,556devcenterCLI to interact with Heroku's Dev Center
922,79953,556fog-bouncerA simple way to define and manage security groups for AWS with the backing support of fog.
1042,92623,626app_manifestParse app manifests used by Heroku Button, Heroku Review Apps, and Heroku CI.
1149,58886,038shiborishibori styleguide
1252,64686,038pliny-libratoA Librato metrics reporter backend for pliny
1353,78528,793logplex-clientA client and library for Logplex
14135,81786,038sinatra-resilient-routeEnsure that sinatra.route is set even when errors are raised in before