Gr8bit's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5391,855carmenIncludes data from the Debian iso-data project.
23,4064,692fullcalendar-railsFullCalendar is a fantastic jQuery plugin that gives you an event calendar with tons of...
34,01012,583carmen-railsProvides country_select and subregion_select form helpers.
45,2826,790flag-icons-railsGem allows to use `flag-icon-css` - a collection of all country flags in SVG - in your ...
555,57718,747wix-appsRack middleware for WixApps
655,87814,741Box2dA Ruby wrapper for Box2d (by Erin Catto)
767,35553,223box2dA Ruby wrapper for Box2d (by Erin Catto)
874,58653,223gamecenter-authServer-side iOS GameKit/Game Center player authentication using the "Identity Verificat...
976,44024,029game_analyticsLightweight and non-disruptive interface to save metrics data to usin...