1 | 4,519 | 5,547 | baby_squeel | An expressive query DSL for Active Record 6+ |
2 | 4,992 | 6,680 | join_dependency | If only this were easier... |
3 | 6,474 | 4,310 | grape-cancan | Authorize your Grape API with CanCan |
4 | 10,597 | 18,351 | request_queue | Dedupe tasks on a per-request basis |
5 | 10,602 | 18,351 | scraping | A DSL for scraping HTML into objects |
6 | 15,222 | 53,556 | activerecord-fb-adapter | ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter for Rails 3 and 4 with support for migrations. |
7 | 17,939 | 86,038 | rspec-raml | RSpec matchers for working with RAML. |
8 | 23,220 | 12,060 | graphql-extras | A set of modules and types for buildign GraphQL APIs. |
9 | 32,618 | 20,054 | snapshot_testing | Create snapshots of your data for simpler testing. |
10 | 37,300 | 11,450 | magic_models | Generate models at runtime from a database connection! |
11 | 41,769 | 86,038 | geny | The only tool you need to build a code generator. |
12 | 59,713 | 86,038 | tiny_auth | Includes utilities for authentication and password resets. |
13 | 66,964 | 86,038 | sdl | A generic schema definition language. |
14 | 73,547 | 86,038 | argy | Yet another command-line option parser. |
15 | 73,905 | 86,038 | rspec-redo | Automatically rerun RSpec failures using RSpec 3.3.0's built-in --only-failures option |
16 | 81,738 | 86,038 | zendesk_rails | A Rails engine to add help desk ticketing using the Zendesk API. |
17 | 84,358 | 53,556 | advanced | Search with objects! |
18 | 95,649 | 86,038 | rack-raml | A mock RAML server for Rack-based applications. |
19 | 98,498 | 86,038 | file_spec | RSpec helpers and matchers for testing the filesystem. |
20 | 108,169 | 86,038 | dynatable_builder | A DSL for generating AJAX tables with sorting/searching/pagination using jQuery Dynatab... |
21 | 138,564 | 86,038 | activerecord-publishable | Publish events to Redis when your models change. |
22 | 155,236 | 53,556 | influxdb-metrics | Track metrics for your Rails app with InfluxDB. |
23 | 162,035 | 86,038 | pipey | Utilities for building data pipelines. |
24 | 163,159 | 86,038 | pg_partitions | ActiveRecord::Migration utility for creating partitions in PostgreSQL. |
25 | 165,052 | 86,038 | proc_utils | A set of functional utilities for working with callables. |
26 | 168,689 | 86,038 | active_cursor | Efficiently iterate through massive collections in your database. |