Olimart's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,86016,361lightspeed_restaurantLightspeed Restaurant is a Point Of Sale that helps bars, restaurants, and cafés delive...
235,41835,920numverifyNumverify: Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup JSON API
353,37242,025queenbeeE-commerce analytics platform
472,79642,025omniauth-centralidThis gem contains Central ID strategy for OmniAuth
584,79042,025yafoy_integrationsSimple gem to build integrations-like page in other projects
695,03853,556shipppit-canada-postRuby wrapper for the Canada Post API V3
796,05686,038sisenseLight API client to communicate with Sisense API
897,61486,038pepitoIntegrate a bot in your company with custom extensions
998,86986,038rails_bootstrap_helperBootstrap Helpers for Ruby on Rails
10102,62842,025servicifyA Ruby gem providing a skeleton to build service object
11113,41331,663logcampAggregate app notifications in one place. Search events and share access
12114,48886,038pepito-slackIntegrate Pepito with you slack team
13120,94686,038one45Interact with one45 key endpoints
14121,02235,920boring_avatarThis is a simple Ruby implementation of Boring Avatars library
15153,69153,556logcamp-rubyGem to send events notification to logcamp central app.
16154,08986,038badgify-rubyA Ruby gem for interacting with Badgify's REST API
17161,01353,556yafoy-oembedA Ruby gem listing OEmbed resources for Yafoy projects
18178,58086,038abstract_avatarWrapper for Abstract Avatars by Streamline to use in Ruby on Rails projects