Mikemackintosh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,29741,086easyrsaEasily generate OpenVPN certificates without needing the easyrsa packaged scripts
264,31861,367vectraEasily interface with the Vectra API for consuming detections, threats and events
369,90523,402packetnomPacketNom - Best way to view, consume and replay packets with ruby
473,17461,367slackdraftSlack messaging with half the Kurt Russell
576,12261,367qualysEasily interface with the qualys for consuming events
6109,34833,893masterbakerMakes running chef-solo easy.
7131,47861,367signalsciencesEasily interface with the Signal Sciences API for consuming events
8131,67761,367ipaddress2Easily interface with and manipulate IP addresses
9138,80461,367bakistMakes running chef-solo easy.
10151,58261,367knoxboxOpenVPN management tool
11153,25761,367knoxbox-webOpenVPN management tool