Caldwecr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,47063,432msfl_visitorsVisitor pattern approach to converting MSFL to other forms.
220,37541,916msflSerializers, validators, and other tasty goodness for the Mattermark Semantic Filter La...
327,51711,043refriedProvides acts_as_ mixins for adding Beanstalk tube functionality to your existing Ruby ...
445,25863,432better_sqsA convenient API for developers to interact with SQS with a trivial amount of effort
550,05263,432lincoln_loggerIt makes Lincoln Logs.
664,76863,432better_s3Interact with S3 buckets in an idiomatic fashion.
768,85163,432better_fxA convenient gem for developers to interact with SignalFx with a trivial amount of effort
897,55763,432fig_figConfigurator for Ruby Applications with some validation and sugars.
9150,34141,916democircleDemo testing gems
10171,20341,916poofAn alternative to DatabaseCleaner for automatically ensuring that objects created durin...
11171,36663,432marriageWhat marriage looks like to the MRI.