Mgomes's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8343,525api-authFull HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.
220,76853,556policymap_wrapRuby wrapper around the PolicyMap API v2
321,67286,038stealthRuby framework for building conversational bots.
424,47231,663blake2bA cryptographic hash function faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3 for 64-bit systems.
530,26053,556restful_metricsRuby client for the RESTful Metrics service.
635,94386,038analyticoRuby client for the Analytico impression and app metric tracking service.
736,63886,038common_view_helpersCommon view helpers used by Gemini in most of our applications
837,02953,556stealth-facebookFacebook Messenger driver for Stealth.
943,62686,038stealth-twilioTwilio SMS driver for Stealth.
1049,94286,038couch_potato-rails2Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB
1154,52986,038semaphore_classificationRuby wrapper around the Semaphore Classification Server API.
1255,14028,793guidestar-rubyA ruby wrapper around the Guidestar API
1371,72442,025oauth_consumerOAuth 1 & 2 and token management in Rails 3+
1471,82442,025lamerRuby wrapper for the LAME library. Currently wraps around the LAME executable so you ca...
1582,76386,038stealth-mixpanelBuilt-in state tracking for Stealth bots with Mixpanel.
1699,39086,038xip-twilioTwilio SMS and Whatsapp Xip Kit component.
17104,19686,038stealth-aws-comprehendBuilt-in NLP for Stealth bots via AWS Comprehend.
18105,58886,038stealth-smoochSmooch driver for Stealth.
19118,69953,556stealth-luisBuilt-in NLP for Stealth bots via Microsoft's Language Understanding (LUIS).
20127,47486,038restful_pressRestful Press is an automated service for converting your app's views into PDFs.
21139,19986,038xip-luisBuilt-in NLP for Xip Kit via Microsoft's Language Understanding (LUIS).
22147,19786,038varsityDo more with less.
23148,95886,038xipRuby bot framework
24163,01886,038sennaHigh performance, background jobs for Ruby.
25172,77986,038red_lineRate limiters backed by Redis.
26174,13486,038xip-alexaAlexa driver for Stealth.
27174,32286,038stealth-alexaAlexa driver for Stealth.
28174,32986,038xip-facebookFacebook Messenger Xip Kit component.