1 | 5,120 | 5,344 | vacuum | A wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API |
2 | 7,121 | 4,495 | acts-as-taggable-array-on | Simple tagging gem for Rails using postgres array. |
3 | 20,235 | 18,351 | danger-yamlint | A no-dependency Danger plugin to lint yaml files and fixtures |
4 | 25,480 | 7,844 | firebase-admin-sdk | Firebase Admin SDK for Ruby |
5 | 39,705 | 24,968 | pbbuilder | Generate Protobuf Messages with a simple DSL similar to JBuilder |
6 | 41,083 | 35,920 | rails_twirp | Integrate Twirp into Rails |
7 | 45,912 | 10,015 | yard-markdown | yard plugin to generate markdown documentation for gems |
8 | 48,032 | 31,663 | danger-rubyc | Danger plugin to validate syntax for ruby files |
9 | 56,199 | 21,532 | jekyll-news-sitemap | Your friendly gem to produce Google News sitemap compatible xml file. |
10 | 56,574 | 31,663 | carriage | Gem helps add any number of items to customer's shopping cart and direct him to Amazon ... |
11 | 73,208 | 86,038 | rdoc-markdown | RDoc plugin to generate markdown documentation and search index as sqlite database for ... |
12 | 135,076 | 86,038 | peanut_labs | Simply library for integration with peanutlabs.com webiste |
13 | 170,630 | 86,038 | wip_api | Makers unite through WIP.chat API to build more awesomeness! |
14 | 173,175 | 28,793 | munster | Webhooks processing engine for Rails applications |
15 | 176,549 | 35,920 | state_machine_enum | Concern that makes it easy to define and enforce possibe state transitions for a field/... |
16 | 176,668 | 18,351 | jekyll-heroicons | Jekyll liquid tags for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons. |
17 | 179,170 | 42,025 | jekyll-tailwind | Run TailwindCSS from your Jekyll site without requiring NodeJS |
18 | 181,611 | 42,025 | irb-theme-nord | Nord theme for Reline/IRB |
19 | 181,622 | 42,025 | jekyll-tailwind-cli | Run TailwindCSS from your Jekyll site without requiring NodeJS |