Joshrobinson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1415339countriesAll sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country o...
21,4752,341currenciesIf you are tracking any kind of assets the currencies gem is for you. It contains every...
37,8886,955e164The e164 gem can parse and normalize numbers into the e164 format. It provides ex...
421,44950,324c2C2 aspires to be a simple, drop in, Admin Portal + CMS for apps based on Rails 3 + Mong...
528,50030,978oxmlkOxMlk gives you a simple way to map you ruby objects to XML and then convert one to the...
649,14845,014self-controlState machines are awesome but sometimes you need a little more. Like who should do wha...
785,737140,090bean_machineAccounting sucks. Well if you are trying to do it right it does. Bean machine gives you...
8118,717100,918formulatorLike fromtastic only works with DataMapper and Sinatra or whatever.
9123,523100,918phrkThis gem lets you easily write applications that use PhrkMl for controlling call flow.