Sethherr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,35542,025soulheartSimple, fast autocomplete server for Ruby and Rails
247,86442,025omniauth-bike-indexBike Index strategy for OmniAuth v1.2
350,83653,556omniauth-globalidOmniAuth strategy for GlobaliD
453,5499,715gl_lintGive Lively linter tool
573,90953,556tranzito_utilsRuby gem contain several modules mainly containing the helpers, concerns and services f...
682,01186,038warden-oauthedA warden strategy for easy OAuth2 rack based authentication
799,21135,920keyboard_reactorKeyboard firmware generator using qmk_firmware - from Fusion JSON
8118,56986,038omniauth-reliefwatchReliefwatch strategy for OmniAuth v1.2
9119,11786,038sinatra_auth_oauthedA sinatra extension for easy oauth integration with oauth providers
10162,70520,749gl_exception_notifierTo avoid having to update exception notifiers in all the different repositories, we...
11174,96720,054gl_commandGive Lively Commands
12168,22519,253tranzito_rbacTranzito rbac is a rails mountable engine that is being used for Rails-based applicatio...
13181,70586,038gl-commandImplementation of the Command Pattern