Ph's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3742,788jls-grokGrok ruby bindings - pattern match/extraction tool
22,4923,031jls-lumberjacklumberjack log transport library
32,5112,907paquetThis gem add a few rake tasks to create a uber gems that will be shipped as a zip
43,5017,687filewatchWatch files and directories in ruby. Also supports tailing and glob file patterns.
55,07824,968file-dependenciesmanage file dependencies for gems
65,2624,969logstash-devutilslogstash-devutils gem is meant to be used as a development dependency from other plugin...
76,7935,826floresAdd fuzzing, randomization, and stress to your tests. This library is an explorati...
821,89742,025test-opsbotsthis shouldnt be used
998,07335,920logstash-input-thisisonlyatestThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
10100,88353,556ph-core-plugin-apiLogstash plugin api contract
11112,66642,025lita-jlsSome stuff for the bot
12121,51142,025logstash-pack-megateufWrite a longer description or delete this line.
13138,76986,038ph-logstash-core-plugin-apiLogstash plugin api contract
14151,02842,025license-headerSimple way to tag a directory with a specific opensource license
15158,12086,038napalmWrite a longer description or delete this line.