1 | 868 | 2,377 | fog-softlayer | Module for the 'fog' gem to support SoftLayer Cloud |
2 | 1,341 | 2,870 | fog-xenserver | Module for the 'fog' gem to support XENSERVER. |
3 | 2,680 | 3,326 | reform-rails | Automatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm... |
4 | 31,073 | 61,367 | softlayer | SoftLayer API Client using SOAP protocoal, supporting all services and models |
5 | 41,344 | 61,367 | activetrail | Provide a cool, and seamless, integration between ActiveAdmin and Trailblazer, so you c... |
6 | 76,030 | 61,367 | trailblazer-generator | Generate trailblazer files from your command file |
7 | 79,153 | 61,367 | arara | Material Design based theme for Ruby on Rails, using stimulus for JS and ActionView Com... |
8 | 84,933 | 61,367 | reativo | Make Rails more reactive |
9 | 86,151 | 61,367 | railsblocks-auth | Description of Block::Auth. |
10 | 90,705 | 61,367 | railsblocks-common | Description of Block::Common. |
11 | 110,533 | 61,367 | jacoat | Handle JSON-API Hashes as Ruby Objects |
12 | 138,948 | 61,367 | railsblocks-theme-bootstrap | Description of Theme::Bootstrap. |
13 | 154,140 | 61,367 | turnip-extra_steps | Wanna start writing turn ip features like a boss but you have to write ALL steps for it... |
14 | 162,487 | 61,367 | railsblocks-theme | Description of Theme. |
15 | 167,078 | 61,367 | caco | Caco, configure your machines like you develop your web apps |
16 | 174,320 | 18,157 | pinot | Client for Apache Pinot |
17 | 176,167 | 25,716 | activerecord-pinot-adapter | ActiveRecord Apache Pinot Adapter |
18 | 181,768 | 61,367 | douro | Streaming to the ocean. |
19 | 181,821 | 61,367 | porto | Your safe port when developing on Ruby on Rails |